Here is Top 10 creative and professional ways to create your NEW POST of Instagram go viral on   the explore page.  These are much more professional than the classic way of just sharing a post on your story. By sharing your post on your story in a right way you can increase likes and follows. 

Here are top ten stories you must try and tell us the results:   

1. You will find the new post sticker easily when you search new post on the sticker finder. Then the arrows and lines are made manually with the draw tool that we got on instagram to create story. Here crayon( the last one) and simple pen is used.

2. Use the pen tool to color the middle of your post digonally with the same colour as the background. and use pen tools to create dots on arrow.

3. This is very easy to create story. Share your new post from your profile. Write NEW POST by text tool multiple time tat it fills the screen completely.

4. Share your post, minimise it and put it in the corner. Write new manually by pen tool. Write post, One letter at a time so that post is not a single text. Then put letters of 'post' as you wish.

5. Share your post. Write NEW multiple time by text tool. and arrange them like the picture. Yuo can also create your own way to make it more attractive.

6. Write new post twice. Then make ones color light and puy it behind the other to create a shadow affect.

7. The frame sticker is used here to cover the post. Also the new post sticker is used.

8. Easy to create story. Different fonts are used here. Write new post multiple times of the same size and arrange them like the shown story in the color(the colour goes from light to dark on instagram color selector. so no need to worry about colors).

9. Just an arrow and multiple times written new post.

10. You will need a differnt photo editor to paste one photo on to other. And you got beautiful story.

That was so fun, easy and creative. Try them and tell us what happened on our instaggram page @aurtaa. If you want to get ideas about amazing long instagram bio go on 15 professional instagram bio that will increase your followers.

Thank You 
-By Aurtaa